Refog KGB Employee Monitor v4.2.1 + Serial
This PC monitoring solution ensures the productivity of your employees and protects company secrets from being stolen. It offers simple remote install over a network and real-time access to all reports and logs. KGB Employee Monitor is a perfect solution for monitoring more than one workstation from a central location. The product logs all activities on the target workstations and provides real-time remote access to the log files. See what applications and what Web pages your employees accessed and what they typed in the chat windows. The log files can be accessed by FTP or emailed to you directly.
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Key Features:
Keystroke recording:
Once installed and running, Refog registers all keys pressed by a user, thus acting as a keylogger. This function captures all data that has been entered by an employee using a keyboard, including chats, usernames, passwords, emails, search queries and other content. In addition to key logging, Refog is also able to log clipboard text.
Remote monitoring:
It is never necessary to install Employee Monitor manually, as the remote installation feature enables setup of Refog on all network PCs in just a few mouse clicks. All that is required is the admin user password for the domain or computers. All reports are available over the network, and when necessary these can be accessed in real-time.
Web history logging:
Even if users delete their browser's history, the informaton is retained in Refog's log database and always available via the reports function. All relevant information is collected including URLs visited, page titles and the timestamp.
Screenshot history:
With customizable capability, Refog takes full color screenshots of a desktop screen. This ensures that the log of what is being typed by the user is backed up with visual evidence of exactly what they are doing. Without being monitored, it is often the case that employees get carried away with excessive web surfing, shopping and other personal tasks. With screenshot history, it is always possible to gather evidence if an employee is wasting the company's time. Multiple monitor configurations are supported!
Invisible mode and password protection:
You may not want to disclose the act of PC monitoring, so Refog can work in special stealth mode, making it completely invisible even to a skilled PC user. It cannot be found in the program folder, control panel or tray. When required, the program can be revealed using a special command or hotkey. In addition, it is possible to protect Refog with a password, so users are unable to erase their logs.
Application monitoring and file tracking:
Refog is able to record all programs executed on your PC, so it is possible to establish if an employee is wasting time offline (e.g. playing solitaire instead of working). In addition to programs, Refog stores all file operations (e.g. open, edit, copy, delete), and can reveal inappropriate interest in specific confidential documents.
IM monitoring:
Refog is also compatible with all major instant messaging software (e.g. Yahoo! messenger, Skype, ICQ, Google Talk, MSN). It is not only able to log outgoing messages by a local user, but also incoming messages too
Email reports:
It is not necessary to gain physical access to monitored computers in order to view their logs. All reports can be delivered via email, and can be read anywhere.
Comprehensive settings and reports:
It is possible to set the control levels of monitoring, enable/disable monitoring for given users, setup alert keywords and reports delivery, easily filter log files and much more. With this armory of tools, Refog comes preconfigured so it can be installed in just a few clicks and run with default settings, requiring no tech skills at all!
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